Tracker Charges

The GPS Asset Tracker range of trackers use a pay as you use system, this is based on the number of position reports the tracker sends to the mapping software, for example if the tracker is set to report every 120 seconds when it is on the move if it was driving for 1 hour is would use 30 position credits or at 1 minute intervals it would use 60 credits. When the tracker is stationary it should not send any reports at all. The GPS tracker does not need credit putting on the SIM card this is taken care of by us. With position credits being purchased as required this is a simple and inexpensive system, for heavy users such as investigators we recommend  an unlimited package.

We have also included 6 days tracking  to get you going. Once this expires you can purchase more by from the tracking section on our web site. Please be aware if you allow your location reports to drop to 0 you will not receive updates from your asset tracker until further position reports are purchased.
We do have a range of unlimited packages these give you unlimited tracking but does not include SMS credits they can be purchased separately.
To Purchase Credits/packages Click here

SMS credits

SMS credits are used when you send a command or a request to your tracker from the commands button on your online console or when the locate button is pressed , SMS credits are also used when you receive notifications from the tracker such as safety zones or when you receive an address on your mobile number after calling your tracker. Remaining sms credits are shown on the bottom right of the console. SMS credits can be purchased on our web site.

Q. My tracker came with 6 days tracking on it what happens when this runs out?

A. Simply purchase more credits or a unlimited package  on our web site

Q. How do we add credit if we are situated outside the UK.

A. You can purchase credits /packages regardless what country you live in

To Purchase SMS credits Click here

If the tracker is not used for a period of 3 months, the account will be removed from the system and the SIM card will expire this is unfortunately necessary as we have to pay the contract SIM fees irrespective of usage. When the SIM card expires a new SIM will be required at a cost of £25.00 plus VAT. When the account is removed the device history, position and SMS credits will be lost.
The Sim in this tracker is set up for use in the UK only if you wish to use it outside of the UK please contact us so we can enable the SIM for other countries for a list of countries that the tracker will work in go to tracker countries list.

The Sim card comes with a data package on it that is more than sufficient for all normal usage. If the tracker is used continuously on very short reporting periods i.e. 10 seconds, there is a danger that the network provider’s fair usage policy will be breached and the sim card will deactivate until the beginning of the following month. If you are needing to use your tracker on short reporting intervals for a period of time, please contact us so we can monitor it for you to prevent any interruption in service.
Please note unlimited packages can only be used in EU countries.